Empower open source

Support open-source projects with code or onchain
Receive rewards for contributing to the future of open source


Wether the contributions are code or onchain donations, we appreciate your support of the open source community.

Claim your OSS


An OSS is your digital proof of contribution to the open source community via Open Source Summer. It's an NFT (non-fungible token) that shows your contribution to the open source projects. You will be able to use it to claim different rewards.

Enjoy the perks


More information on the perks coming soon!


What is OSSummer?

OSSummer is a way to get more developers onchain. Similar to Hacktoberfest, but onchain. We will have more information in the future, happy to collaborate with you if you're interested in participating.

How can I get started with OSSummer?

Explore the projects featured here, create PRs, submit them on your profile page and mint your NFT!

How do I make sure I get quality PRs?

In the future we can add a quality gate to project submissions. Contributions come in differnt forms, it's hard to make sure they are all meeting your expected quality. To help, here's a link to CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md to add to your project.

I want to support the project and have stuff for the community

Absolutely! The prize is an NFT. Once I figure out all the addresses, it's really easy to offer something to someone based on them having that NFT. Think Shopify Coupon Code or idk, something even cooler!

Still have questions?

Email me at s@serg.tech